Kõhidai, László MD, PhD

 * kohlasz2@gmail.com

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Publications  (1983-2015)           

Presentaions (1983-2015)




- 6th Oct. 1956, Budapest


- 1988:  Board Certification in Clinical Chemistry and  Pathology

- 1976 – 1982:   M.D. - Semmelwes University of Medicine, Budapest

- 1971 – 1975:  B.Sc. - Madách Imre Gimnázium, Budapest, Hungary

Professional qualifications: 

- 1988:  Clinical Chemist

- 1982:  Semmelwes University of Medicine, Budapest , M.D.

Academic qualifications:

- 2004:  Habil. Professor, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hung.

- 1993:  Ph.D. (C.Sc.) from Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Present and previous positions:

- 1998:  Dept. of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Semmelweis Univ., Associate Professor

- 1991 – 1998:  Dept. of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Semmelweis Univ., Lecturer

- 1990:  Metabolic Diseases Branch (Roth J. and Marx S.J.) NIH, NIDDK, Bethesda (USA), Visiting Associate

- 1989:  Diabetes Branch (Roth J.) NIH, NIDDK, Bethesda (USA), Fogarty Research Fellow

- 1984 – 1989:  Dept. of Biology, Semmelweis Univ., Research Assistant

Linguistic ability:

- Hungarian, English, German, Russian

Activities in higher education:

- lectures in Biology and Immunology (Hungarian and English)

- practices in Biology (Hungarian and English)

- Tutor of students working in research

- Tutor of diplome-works (Thechnical Univ., Budapest)

- Postgradual course: “Chemotaxis – its significance in biology and clinics”

- Member of PhD Examining Boards

- Supervisor or co-supervisor of PhD themes

- Examiner of Entrace Examinations to the Semmelweis University

Academic activities:

- Member of the Public Body of Hungarian Academy of Scienes

- Secretary of the Councill of Life Sciences, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (HSRF)

- Member of the Library Councill of HSRF

- Member of Sceintific Board of Protozoology Section, Hungarian Biological Association

- Member of Advisory Board of Series „Threasurehouse of Science” prog-ramme of Duna TV

- Member of ESF/EC Pan-European Resercher’s Mobility Portal (Brussels)

Honours and awards:

- 1998:  Ipolyi Arnold Award

Research interests:

- phylogeny of signal molecules and their receptors

- chemotactic signaling

Professional visits:

- 1997 – 2002:  Dept. of Pharmacology and Toxicology (Prof. Ruskoaho, J.), Oulu University Oulu (Finland)

- 1998 – 2002:  Dept. of Physiology (Prof. Leppelauto, J.) Oulu University, Oulu (Finland)

- 1985:  Dept. of Biochemistry (Prof. Nozawa, Y.) Gifu University, Gifu (Japan)

Professional societies:

    - American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) USA

    - International Society for Analytical Cytology (ISAC) USA

    - Endocrine Society USA

    - Magyar Biológiai Társaság/Protozoológiai Szakosztály (Protozoology Section, Hungarian Socitey

      for Biology) Hungary

    - Magyar Immunológus Társaság (Hungarian Society for Immunology) Hungary


Publications  (1983-2012)           

Presentaions (1983-2007)

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