Chemotaxis - Biological and Clinical Approaches
(Kőhidai L. Med. Habil., M.D., Ph.D.)
Üzenetek / Message board
Előadások: L16 (NET) 17.00-18.30 - 2017. február - május - minden szerda
Lectures: Gree Auditory (NET) 13.30-15.00 Febr. - May 2016 - Wednesdays
!!! 2017. febr. 8. elmarad - TDK konferencia miatt !!!
!!! February 8 /2017 canceled due to Conference of Students’ Scientific Association !!!
Schedule (Lectures in Hungarian-Hu and in English-Eng)
Chemotaxis – Significance in biology.
- Eng.
Evolution of signal molecules and their receptors.
- Eng.
Chemotaxis in invertebrate and vertebrate organisms.
- Hu.
- Eng.
(Extramural link suggested to view: A Day in the Life of a Social Amoeba)
Bacterial chemotaxis - The well known signalling pathway.
- Hu.
- Eng.
(Extramural link suggested to view:
Bacterial chemotaxis - YouTube
Bacterial chemotaxis -KEGG Pathway Maps )
Cytoskeleton. - Cell
- Hu.
- Hu.
- Eng.
- Eng.
(Extramural link suggested to view: Video tour of cell motility
Inflammation - The classic example
- Hu1.
- Hu2.
- Eng1.
- Eng2.
(Extramural link suggested to view: Extravasation step-by-step
(Extramural link suggested to view: Life cycle of HIV; Life cycle of HIV+Drug,
More HIV: Life cycle; Fusion-Entry; Inhib.-Attachment; Inhib.-Co-receptor;
Phagocytosis - Target reaction of chemotaxis.
- Hu.
- Eng.
9. Proteomical characterization of chemotactic ligands
10. Immunological aspects of chemotaxis and the clinical significance.
11. Optimal chemotactic ligand – Exists or not ?
Significance of chemotaxis in the development of symptoms and syndromes.
Significance in clinical interventions.
- Hu
- Eng.
13. Special
approaches of tumour biology and chemotaxis
- Hu.
- Eng.
14. Life
without chemotaxis – Impossibile!
- Hu.
- Eng.
15. Review
of laboratory techniques applied for measurement of chemotaxis. – Practical
- Hu.
- Eng.
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Course books (in English):
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