Database of references

Dataset of Leishmania

Chemotaxis - Neuropeptide - Drug targeting literature



Leishmania - Chemotaxis

Ahmed AA, Wahbi A, Nordlind K, Kharazmi A, Sundqvist KG, Mutt V, Lidén S. In vitro Leishmania major promastigote-induced macrophage migration is modulated by sensory and autonomic neuropeptides. Scand J Immunol. 1998;48(1):79-85

Detke S, Elsabrouty R. Leishmania mexicana amazonensis: plasma membrane adenine nucleotide translocator and chemotaxis. Exp Parasitol. 2008;118(3):408-19.

Lo SK, Bovis L, Matura R, Zhu B, He S, Lum H, Turco SJ, Ho JL. Leishmania lipophosphoglycan reduces monocyte transendothelial migration: modulation of cell adhesion molecules, intercellular junctional proteins, and chemoattractants. J Immunol. 1998;160(4):1857-65.

Matte C, Olivier M. Leishmania-induced cellular recruitment during the early inflammatory response: modulation of proinflammatory mediators. J Infect Dis. 2002;185(5):673-81

Oliveira JS, Melo MN, Gontijo NF. A sensitive method for assaying chemotaxic responses of Leishmania promastigotes. Exp Parasitol. 2000;96(3):187-9

Racoosin EL, Beverley SM. Leishmania major: promastigotes induce expression of a subset of chemokine genes in murine macrophages. Exp Parasitol. 1997;85(3):283-95.

Roychoudhury K, Dasgupta B, Sen P, Laskay T, Solbach W, De T, Roy S. Evidence of direct interactions between the CC-chemokines CCL3, CCL4 and CCL5 and Leishmania promastigotes. Mol Biochem Parasitol. 2006;150(2):374-7.

Teixeira CR, Teixeira MJ, Gomes RB, Santos CS, Andrade BB, Raffaele-Netto I, Silva JS, Guglielmotti A, Miranda JC, Barral A, Brodskyn C, Barral-Netto M. J Immunol. 200515;175(12):8346-53.

van Zandbergen G, Hermann N, Laufs H, Solbach W, Laskay T. Leishmania promastigotes release a granulocyte chemotactic factor and induce interleukin-8 release but inhibit gamma interferon-inducible protein 10 production by neutrophil granulocytes. Infect Immun. 2002;70(8):4177-84.

Venuprasad K, Chattopadhyay S, Saha B. CD28 signaling in neutrophil induces T-cell chemotactic factor(s) modulating T-cell response. Hum Immunol. 2003;64(1):38-43.

Zer R, Yaroslavski I, Rosen L, Warburg A. Effect of sand fly saliva on Leishmania uptake by murine macrophages. Int J Parasitol. 2001 Jun;31(8):810-4.


Barros VC, Oliveira JS, Melo MN, Gontijo NF. Leishmania amazonensis: chemotaxic and osmotaxic responses in promastigotes and their probable role in development in the phlebotomine gut. Exp Parasitol. 2006;112(3):152-7.

Leslie G, Barrett M, Burchmore R. Leishmania mexicana: promastigotes migrate through osmotic gradients. Exp Parasitol. 2002;102(2):117-20.

VitorianoSousaJ-Vaccine-2008 Ponte-SucreA-Immunology-2001 BimalS-ExpParasitol-2005
AtoM-JImmunol-2006 KamirD-JImmunol-2008 dosSantos-ExpParasitol-2008
MonterioMC-AmJTropMedHyg ConradSM-InfectImmun-2007 YurchencoE-JEM-2006
WeishuiY-JImmunol-1991 McGwireBS-InfectImmun-2003 XuD-JImmunol-1998
SatoN-JEM-2000 SatoskarAR-InfectImmun-2001 TeixeiraMJ-TrParasitol-2006
GadelhaC-CelMotilCytoskel-2007 GingerML-NatureRev-2008  

Leishmania - Neuropeptide

Ahmed AA, Ahmed M, Theodorsson E, Nordlind K. Decreased concentrations of CGRP in Leishmania major murine cutaneous leishmaniasis. Neurosci Lett. 1998;246(3):149-52.

Ahmed AA, Wahbi A, Nordlind K, Kharazmi A, Sundqvist KG, Mutt V, Lidén S. In vitro Leishmania major promastigote-induced macrophage migration is modulated by sensory and autonomic neuropeptides. Scand J Immunol. 1998;48(1):79-85.

Guilpin VO, Swardson-Olver C, Nosbisch L, Titus RG. Maxadilan, the vasodilator / immunomodulator from Lutzomyia longipalpis sand fly saliva, stimulates haematopoiesis in mice. Parasite Immunol. 2002 Aug;24(8):437-46

Lerner EA, Shoemaker CB. Maxadilan. Cloning and functional expression of the gene encoding this potent vasodilator peptide.J Biol Chem. 1992 15;267(2):1062-6.

Rivière G, Michaud A, Corradi HR, Sturrock ED, Ravi Acharya K, Cogez V, Bohin JP, Vieau D, Corvol P. Characterization of the first angiotensin-converting like enzyme in bacteria: Ancestor ACE is already active. Gene. 2007;399(1):81-90.

Theodos CM, Ribeiro JM, Titus RG. Infect Immun. 1991;59(5):1592-8.

Vaidyanathan R. Reversible inhibition of contractions of mammalian cardiomyocytes and of smooth muscle by the protistan parasite Leishmania major.Vet Parasitol. 2005;134(1-2):53-60.

Vouldoukis I, Shai Y, Nicolas P, Mor A. Broad spectrum antibiotic activity of the skin-PYY. FEBS Lett. 1996;380(3):237-40.


Leishmania - Drug targeting

Brajtburg J, Bolard J. Carrier effects on biological activity of amphotericin B. Clin Microbiol Rev. 1996;9(4):512-31.

Lopez M, Cherkasov A, Nandan D.Molecular architecture of Leishmania EF-1alpha reveals a novel site that may modulate protein translation: a possible target for drug development. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2007;356(4):886-92.

Ordóñez-Gutiérrez L, Espada-Fernández R, Dea-Ayuela MA, Torrado JJ, Bolás-Fernandez F, Alunda JM. In vitro effect of new formulations of amphotericin B on amastigote and promastigote forms of Leishmania infantum. Int J Antimicrob Agents. 2007;30(4):325-9.

Padmanabhan PK, Mukherjee A, Madhubala R. Characterization of the gene encoding glyoxalase II from Leishmania donovani: a potential target for anti-parasite drugs. Biochem J. 2006;393(Pt 1):227-34.

Santos FR, Ferraz DB, Daghastanli KR, Ramalho-Pinto FJ, Ciancaglini P. Mimetic membrane system to carry multiple antigenic proteins from Leishmania amazonensis. J Membr Biol. 2006;210(3):173-81. Epub 2006 Aug 14.

Szabó R, Peiser L, Plüddemann A, Bösze S, Heinsbroek S, Gordon S, Hudecz F. Uptake of branched polypeptides with poly[L-lys] backbone by bone-marrow culture-derived murine macrLeishmania\DT\Szabo-R-BioconjChem-2005.pdfophages: the role of the class a scavenger receptor. Bioconjug Chem. 2005 Nov-Dec;16(6):1442-50.


Kóczán G, Ghose AC, Mookerjee A, Hudecz F. Methotrexate conjugate with branched polypeptide influences Leishmania donovani infection in vitro and in experimental animals. Bioconjug Chem. 2002;13(3):518-24.





Alexander J, Satoskar AR, Russell DG. Leishmania species: models of intracellular parasitism. J Cell Sci. 1999;112 Pt 18:2993-3002.

Bogdan C, Röllinghoff M. The immune response to Leishmania: mechanisms of parasite control and evasion. Int J Parasitol. 1998; 28(1):121-34.


Eidsmo L, Fluur C, Rethi B, Eriksson Ygberg S, Ruffin N, De Milito A, Akuffo H, Chiodi F. FasL and TRAIL induce epidermal apoptosis and skin ulceration upon exposure to Leishmania major. Am J Pathol. 2007;170(1):227-39


Nicolas L, Prina E, Lang T, Milon G. Real-time PCR for detection and quantitation of leishmania in mouse tissues. J Clin Microbiol. 2002; 40(5):1666-9.

Sampaio WM, Moura EP, Arruda FC, Ribeiro RR, Alves CF, Melo FA, Fernandes AP, Michalick MS, Melo MN, Tafuri WL, Tafuri WL. In vitro binding and survival assays of Leishmania parasites to peripherical blood monocytes and monocyte-derived macrophages isolated from dogs naturally and experimentally infected with Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi. BMC Vet Res. 2007; 30;3-11.